100% Organic Green Coffee Bean Extract
Botanical source: CoffeaArabica L
Active Ingredients: Chlorogenic acid
Molecular formula: C16H18O9
Molecular weight: 354.31
Specification:Chlorogenic acid 25%, 30%,45%, 50% tested by HPLC
Total Chlorogenic acids 45%, 50%, 70% tested by HPLC
Green Coffee Bean Extract is sourced from Europe and is standardized to morethan 99% Chlorogenic Acid. Chlorogenic Acid is the compound present incoffee.Which has been long known as for its beneficial properties. This activeingredient akes Green Coffee Bean an excellent agent to absorb free oxygenradicals; as well as helping to avert hydroxyl radicals, both which contributeto degradation of cells in the body.
Green Coffee Beans have strong polyphenols which act to help reduce freeoxygen radicals in the body, but it is standardized to more than 99% CholorgenicAcid, a dietary polyphenol that helps to regulate metabolism.
Test results showed Green Coffee Bean had more than double the rate ofoxygen radical absorbance capability when compared to green tea and grape seedextracts.
Green Coffee Bean Extract is made from the green beans of the CoffeaArabica plant. There are two types of coffee plants, arabica and robusta. Thearabica is higher in quality and higher in chlorogenic and caffeic acids, twoprimary compounds responsible for anti-oxidant activity.
1.Chlorogenicacid, long known as an antioxidant with potential anti-cancer activity, alsoslows the release of glucose into bloodstream after a meal.
2.Act as an effective painkiller especially for migraine medications;
3.Reduce the risk of diabetes;
4. Assist the body to burn athigher proportion of lipids-fats compared to carbohydrates, which could helpwith muscle fatigue for athletes and bodybuilders.